Islam - Festival of Ashura
i. Understand the origins and meanings of Ashura.
ii. Know how Ashura is commemorated by both Sunni and Shi’a Muslims.
The Paschal Candle(25 slides).
i. Know the symbolism of the Paschal candle.
ii. Understand how the Paschal candle reminds Christians that the light of the Risen Christ should be evident in their lives.
Michelangelo's 'Creation of Adam' (24 slides)
i. Understanding the meaning and significance of Michelangelo’s ‘Creation of Adam.’
ii. Understand how this painting reflects Catholics beliefs about God as creator, and the creation of humanity in the image of God.
Key Terms
Creator : The one who makes things and brings things about.
Creation: The act by which God brought the universe into being.
1. Michelangelo: Michelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) was a famous Italian painter and sculptor.
2. Genesis: The first book of the Bible, in which the stories of creation are found.
3. Creation of Adam: Part of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, which shows God giving life to Adam.
(13.4) Responsibilities of wealth (30 slides)
i. Understand Catholic teachings about wealth.
ii. Understand the concepts of stewardship of wealth.
Greed, materialism and the sacrifice of wealth
i. Understand and materialism, including the teachings of the Catholic Church.
ii. Understand why some Catholics take the vow of poverty.
These 112 slides contain a variety of exercises, links and pictures to aid you tackle ‘Racism’ in school.
These slides help you understand how to deal with racism in school.
These exercises help you to identify if you or your peers are suffering racist abuse and be able to stop it.
To aid A.Q.A Religious Studies B, Chapter 1, Section 4 (1.4), pages 16 &17.
i. Know the scriptural basis for Catholic teachings about God and creation.
ii. Understand the concept of free will.
iii. Understand the relationship between men and women as given in Genesis.
The funeral rite (21 slides).
i. Know what happens during a Catholic funeral.
ii. Understand how a Catholic funeral shows beliefs about life after death.
(4.12) Prayers in the Mass and adoration - 36 slides to aid pages 112 & 113.
i. Understand the importance of the Words of institution and the Agnus Dei.
ii. Know why Catholics respect the Eucharist.
(5.7) The importance of Mary and the Magnificat- 30 slides to aid pages 128 & 129.
i. Know how Mary is a model of discipleship.
ii. Understand how the Magnificat can be seen as both a hymn of praise to God and a revolutionary prayer.
SVP (St. Vincent de Paul Society) & CAFOD -47 slide.
I. Know the work of two Catholic charities.
II. Understand how the work of these charities fulfils Christ’s command to love.
(9.8) Judaism- Key moral principles in Judaism - 38 slides.
i. Understand the Jewish moral principles of justice, healing the world and kindness to others.
(9.6) Judaism - The Promised Land and the covenant with Abraham-38 slides to aid pages 222 & 223.
i. Know about Abraham and the Promised Land.
ii. Understand the idea of a covenant.
(10.10) Judaism - Marriage - 57 slides.
i. Know what happens during a Jewish marriage ceremony.
ii. Consider the meaning and importance of the ceremony.
(10.8) Judaism - Ceremonies associated with birth - 57 slides.
i. Consider the importance of rituals in Jewish family life.
ii. Know about ceremonies associated with birth, including Brit Milah and understand their importance to Jews.
To aid the AQA Religious Studies B, Catholic Christianity with Islam & Judaism check 'kutepoppygirl95's resources.
I am a passionate teacher of Religious studies, Spanish & English. I am currently teaching the 'AQA Religious Studies 'B' Catholic Christianity with Islam & Judaism' and have made, and in the process of making more resources to aid this book.
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